
Second attention

Second attention practices become necessary when there is an irresistible desire for a wider perception of reality. By practicing perception of the body and the movement of energies in it, we create the basis for the accumulation of consciousness by reducing the unconscious actions that lead to its loss. A person becomes more attentive to the surrounding reality and does not waste, but accumulates consciousness. When the amount of accumulated consciousness allows the practitioner not to separate himself and the energies in his body, this is the moment when the practitioner has sufficient reason to begin the practice of second attention.

The second attention is energy processes that we cannot perceive by the physical body. For the perception of the second attention we have to have active energy processes perceived in the first attention by our physical body (it means perceiving the energy structure of centers, channels, a cocoon, an ether body). This energy structure interacts with our second attention body and raises its vibrations to a level that can be perceived by the first attention or our physical body.