
Centers outside the body

Centers located along the central meridian (-1, -2, -3) down from the first and 8, 9 up from the seventh. They complete the energy structure of the cocoon and give it integrity. These energies allow you to realize yourself more widely in everyday life.

All centers outside the body have minimal stability and conditioning, and it is hard to give them specific characteristics that are not absolute deception. Attaching mental or social manifestations to the outside centers is more challenging than the "basic" seven centers. But they play a significant role in the energy structure.

All the so-called "lower" centers are manifestations of asura ("dark") energies, and the upper ones are manifestations of suric ("light") ones. That is a distinction of energies that personify the balance of the world. "Negative" centers are an integral part of our energies. But due to the social forms developed around them, they do not have the opportunity to be honestly and sincerely manifested. Knowledge and the ability to balance the energies of the lower centers gives strength and direction to the whole person as a flow. The "upper" centers, starting from the eighth, open access to the light and help to liberate, decrystallize the consciousness inside the body.


Minus first center

It finds itself around the middle of the thigh outside the physical body along the central meridian. It has a pronounced fiery nature with scarlet-brown flames. When burning, we can feel it well as the hot wind on the inner thighs.


Minus second center

Located just below the knee joints outside the physical body.


Minus the third center

It is located at the feet level or slightly lower.


Eighth center

It is above the seventh. Most often, its energies have a white glow. This center tunes us to the state of the deepest emptiness and peace, so-called "nirvana."


Ninth Center

Located on the upper border of the cocoon. Interaction with it at the initial stages of practices inside the cocoon helps open the energies projected in the heart area.