

The heart as a physical organ has several centers responsible for its physical functioning. Through perceiving of the energies of the heart, one can open such process as “original love”, tune to the manifestation of the "deity in the heart." Both of these processes are directly related to each other and are different degrees of evolution of a single process. Further advanced practices are impossible without awareness of the energies of love.

At the initial level of practice, the aspect that balances the practitioner's interaction with the world is the fourth center. But the fourth center, being the causality of self-realization (“ahamkara”), can later turn practices into a very selfish process. For this reason, a very important part of further practice is the need to open one's heart, the ability to perceive one's heart, to find the love flowing out of it.

The ability to hear the energies of love flowing from the heart enables the practitioner to avoid unnecessary actions, because any actions that close the manifestation of love are contrary to the way of the warrior.

When the heart is opening, there may be sensations of heaviness, painfulness, therefore a strong burning sensation in the chest, which in the process of practice turns into a constant very powerful and strong heat.