
Third center

It can locate its energies from the stomach to the solar plexus and has a golden yellow glow. In practice, you need to listen not to a point in the body center but the entire upper abdomen area.

The energies of the third center are closest to the ethereal energies of the body. They give a person confidence in their actions in the physical world, sociability, and adequate perception of life situations. For the physical body, an active third center provides good immunity. Also, its fire enhances food digestion processes and gives physical health.

The third center is a pair to the fifth. There is a direct dependence reflected in their joint manifestations. Empty chatter, innocent lies, and gossip deprive the third center of stable connection with the fifth and often cause crystallizations around it. Adults usually provoke the closure of any centers in the body. Not allowing the child to manifest, they force him to lie, hide, and not show his actions, thereby creating barriers to the free flow of energies over and over again. A correct review of your childhood often provides a good opportunity to remove the blocks in the body.