
Ether body

The ether body is the most dense and easily perceived energy structure. Almost anyone can feel their ether body. It is not very difficult to achieve the vision of etheric energies as a transparent light shell around the physical body.

Usually the ether body goes beyond the physical body by several centimeters, repeating its shape. It permeates every cell of the physical body, repeating its organs, bones and all other systems (circulatory, lymphatic, nervous). The state of the ether body directly affects physical health. The ability to perceive and maintain mobility of etheric energies makes it possible to prevent many health problems without transferring them to physics.

The ether body serves as the basis for the perception of many more subtle energy processes. The presence of energy flows is perceived by their impact on the ether body. Etheric energies are the key to many healing practices and can also be used in martial arts.